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Back to where
it all started

An image of Boris from 356labs.

Once known as the only presentation agency in Eastern Europe. Then as the largest one in the region. And then as the ones who put presentation skills on the map with the largest presentation skills event on the planet - Present to Succeed. We have done it all - from crafting presentations that got the attention of the world’s top media outlets to corporate trainings and events embraced by the biggest brands in the world.

But then one day it hit us. All of our success was possible because of where we came from - the world of tech. A world that has its specifics and nuances. And a world we know and understand better than anyone. Especially when it comes to presenting.

So after everything we did and after all of our success, we are back home. Back to our roots. Dedicated to passing on everything we know and learned to tech teams and their leaders.

356labs Conference Image356labs old image.
Not one of many.
But the only.
Here’s the deal.
We are straight talkers.
We obsess around every aspect of our work.
We understand that what we offer is not for everyone.
We serve the best and those who seek perfection themselves.
We are just sick of mediocrity.
We hope you are too.

We give it our all every time. And our conference is the ultimate example.

In the last four years we gathered 9 500+ businesspeople from 52 countries and helped them become better presenters. Next year, on June 6, Present to Succeed Conference will be all about AI and how the latest technologies impact the process of writing, designing and delivering a truly effective presentation.