Work with us
behind closed doors

Bring any topic or get indivuidualized
program for your needs.

Book meetings for yourself or for a person on your team.
Use your time with us anyway you want.
Craft your story
See how to turn your presentation into an engaging story and communicate otherwise complex ideas in a simple way.
Improve your slides
Learn the principles of design professional presentation designers use to make slides that will help you stand out.
Become more productive
Explore the hidden features of tools like PowerPoint and see how to build better slides faster. Note: there are a lot of them.
Receive delivery coaching
Rehearse with us and see what you already doing well and what you can do even better once you hit the stage or join that important call.
Prepare for a conference
Learn how to get accepted at conferences and understand everything you need to do to have a chance of becoming the top-rated speaker.
Become a technical trainer
Make your first steps as a technical instructor. Learn how to prepare a course and then teach it in an engaging way for your students.
Not finding your use case?
The presentation consulting meetings can be used anyway you want. Just let us know what you need.
We speak at some of the biggest tech stages in the world and we have done this for many of the biggest brands out there.
You are in safe hands.
Meet the people you’ll work with

Boris Hristov
Founder, speaker, trainer and instructor for Pluralsight & LinkedIn Learning
He was the youngest Microsoft MVP and became top-rated international speaker at the age of 24. Boris is the person you want your tech teams to work with and learn from if you truly want them to become better at their presentations.

Iva Nachkova
Co-founder, speaker and presentation consultant
She came from the IT industry too. Then led and made the final call for every customer presentation we created. Iva is the person that will translate the real-world experience to an algorithm your teams can follow to get ahead.